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December 13, 2023
The race to replace Bakersfield Congressman and Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy just got a whole lot more messy. The frontrunner, State Assemblyman Vince Fong (R-32), may face legal hurdles after filing for two different races. The first race is his re-election campaign to the State...
December 7, 2023
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is set to leave office at the end of the month. That leaves a big group of prospective candidates vying for his seat in Congress. Leading Republican names being thrown around include: Current U.S. Congressman, John Duarte Declared Candidate, David Giglio...
November 15, 2023
  At their Nov. 15 meeting, the Regents of the University of California gave final approval for the construction of a new medical education building at UC Merced. The vote approved the final design, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings and the full budget and financing. The four-...
November 6, 2023
Cognitive science Professor Paul Smaldino has astronomically high hopes for his first book. “I hope literally everyone reads this book,” Smaldino said. “Modeling Social Behavior” is a textbook, so it probably won’t make the New York Times bestseller...
October 30, 2023
Political Science lecturer Cameron Dehart's research on the political representation of Native Americans was published in the journal State Politics & Policy Quarterly. Dehart and co-author Elliot Mamet (of Duke) studied the representation of Native American tribes in the...
October 12, 2023
Distinguished rankings, new academic offerings, world-class research and campus expansions were among the highlights of the UC Merced State of the University address delivered by Chancellor Juan Sánchez Muñoz. "The state of this 20-year-old institution is unparalleled in the history of American...
October 5, 2023
Cognitive Science Professor Zenaida Aguirre-Muñoz has a passion for biliteracy that has driven her to improve the quality of learning in both English and Spanish at schools in Texas and Central California. A $3 million National Professional Development grant from the U.S. Department of Education...
August 1, 2023
UC Merced students will present research conducted over the summer at the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC) annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. The research presentations mark the end of the Summer Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI), a nine-week program conducted and...
August 1, 2023
Congratulations to UC Merced political science assistant professor Anil Menon on his new article The Political Legacy of Forced Migration: Evidence from Post-WWII Germany in Comparative Political Studies.  In this piece, Dr. Menon argues that forced migration can foster a strong...
July 28, 2023
After taking part in the UC Merced Center for Analytic Political Engagement 's inaugural legislative boot camp, students say they are better prepared to take on the first internships of their careers. The week-long session in Sacramento was led by former Assemblymember Adam Gray and political...